Golden Stats
Galaxia is the overlord of the Sailor Animamates, and their controllers
Galaxia was not always evil, but Chaos possessed her and made her so
She controls the Animamates by the bracelets they wear
In the anime, Sailor Tin Nyanko works as her advisor and persuades Galaxia not to believe Aluminum Siren
In the manga, Sailor Chi and Phi are her advisors and messengers
In the manga, Galaxia is searching for Sailor Crystals
In the anime, Galaxia is searching for star seeds
In the manga, Galaxia kills all the senshi and turns them against Sailormoon
In the anime, Galaxia is actually good and Chibi Chibi is revealed to be her hope whom she sent away. When she is healed she releases the star seeds she stole
In the anime Galaxia kills all of the senshi except for Uranus and Neptune, who work under her control for awhile. She ends up killing them too.
Galaxia had already destroyed many planets when she came to Earth, including the Starlight's home
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